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Taco Cupcakes and Oven-Fried Zucchini


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I made taco cupcakes using the normal idea[@rev] with a whole julienne zucchini. I liked using extra zucchini as it gave the mixture more volume. I filled all 12 and still had a bit leftover. I was out of regular cheese so there is none on the bottom layer and I used parm on the top. Actually, it worked pretty well without the bottom layer cheese so I'll skip it from now on. They were also very spicy from the tiny bit of Dave's Insanity that I added to the mixture.

I also made oven fried zucchini. I added curry powder to the bread crumbs to try to mimic that of my favorite restaurant but it still wasn't as good. I wasn't even as good as last time[@rev]. I'm not sure why. My only guess is that I misread the temp and did these at 425, not 475.20130524-104426.jpg

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 5882, 2013-05-23_104427